Monthly Archives: September 2024

Know Your Rights If ICE Comes to Your Door
It can be a terrifying experience to have a knock at your door, and that knock comes from a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent. The critical thing to know is that even if you are an undocumented immigrant living in the country, you still have constitutional rights. You must know your rights… Read More »

Why a Red Card Can be Helpful for Immigrants in the U.S.
Being an immigrant in the U.S. does not mean that you are without your rights. Even undocumented immigrants have rights in America. Sometimes, though, real-life situations can be scary for immigrants, and knowing what to do and remembering what your rights are can be difficult. This is why it can be advantageous to always… Read More »

Relief for Undocumented Immigrant Spouses Through “Parole in Place”
It is estimated that as many as 765,000 individuals who are undocumented and do not have lawful status are married to American citizens. In these households, there are approximately 1.6 million dependent children. Recently, the Biden administration released comprehensive details and eligibility requirements for undocumented immigrants who are residing in the United States and… Read More »

Are You A Foreigner Who Is Ready To Invest In The United States?
There are several benefits to investing in the United States, which is why many people from all over the globe have an interest in doing so. The E-2 Treaty Investor may be how you can meet your objectives and goals in the U.S. There is a caveat to obtaining a U.S. E-2 Treaty visa,… Read More »

Your Specialized Professional Skills May Help You Green Card Faster
There are several pathways to obtaining permanent residency in the United States. Knowing your options can help you start the process, and working with an attorney can help you navigate the system successfully. One pathway to permanent residency would be through your professional knowledge and skills. When you do work that would benefit the… Read More »