USCIS Immigration Application Fee Hike in 2024

Prospective immigrants into the United States have many aspects of the immigration process to understand and prepare for. One is the cost. For specific immigration applications, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has determined that it will implement a significant increase in fees. The agency has cited several operational and financial issues as the reason behind the fee hike. Also, the agency notes that this is the first major change to the fees since 2016.
If you are planning to come to the United States temporarily or permanently or if you are currently living in the country and need assistance with an immigration issue, the Atlanta immigration attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. can help. With over 20 years of immigration experience, the team at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. can assist you with all of your immigration legal needs.
When Will the Fee Increase Be Effective?
The new fee is expected and scheduled to take effect on April 1, 2024. Any application that is sent in and postmarked after April 1 will be assessed at the new, higher price.
This may be startling and unsettling information for certain individuals. For example, if you are submitting a family-based immigration application, you will be one of the groups affected. If possible, you may consider submitting your application and getting it to USCIS before April 1 so you are not affected by the higher cost.
If submitting your completed application earlier than April 1 is not a viable option for you, then it is imperative that you speak with an immigration attorney to learn more about your options and the changing laws. Currently, a lawsuit has been filed to stop the fee hike from going into effect in April. The lawsuit argues that the increase in fees is unfair, mainly because it came about without due notice. As a result, certain groups will experience an unnecessary financial burden while working through the U.S. immigration system. The lawsuit aims to halt the price increase.
The outcome of this suit will be interesting and very important to the groups affected by the USCIS fee hike. However, unless a motion for a request for a preliminary injunction is granted by a U.S. district court judge, prospective immigrants who believe that they will miss the April 1st deadline should plan on abiding by the new, higher fee schedule.
Speak to an Atlanta Visa Attorney Today
Most immigrants who dream of coming to the United States know that it can be a long, complicated process where anything can change, including the associated costs. It is essential to always stay up to date on what is happening within the U.S. immigration system, but this can be a daunting and challenging thing to do, especially when you are new to the country or are not familiar with the laws and how they work. Keeping current on changes in the system and ensuring you have everything you need to be successful with your U.S. immigration application is something that an attorney can assist you with.
For a consultation to discuss your needs and case, please call Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. today at 404-523-3611. One of our Atlanta, GA, immigration lawyers is here for you and ready to help.