The Benefits Of Building Positive Financials As A Non-Citizen In The United States

Everyone living in the United States has one thing in common, and that is how to manage their specific and unique financial situation. After all, it takes money to function in life, buy food, have shelter, pay taxes, and address all other aspects of life. For individuals that are non-citizens, it is not just normal daily expenses that are necessary to take care of but also those associated with their immigration case that will additionally need to be addressed. Having positive financials takes some stress out of daily life, but also for a non-citizen it could be a key factor that persuades a judge one way or the other when determining deportation.
In Georgia, the Atlanta deportation defense lawyers at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. can help non-citizens with their immigration needs. If you are living in the United States and need support with any type of immigration matter, the attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. are here for you, ready and prepared to offer assistance.
How Can a Non-Citizen Build a Positive Paper Trail
When a non-citizen begins their journey to becoming a lawful and legal resident in the United States there is much to do, and pay for. Just to start the process costly applications and fees are necessary. Once living in the country and working through the system, there is still the need to have access to funds. And, when a non-citizen develops a paper trail that shows how responsible and established they are in the country, with a documentable history of paying bills and taxes, for example, this can reflect well on them as they work to become a permanent and legal citizen.
Therefore, getting a bank account and a credit card is crucial to paying for daily expenses and managing bills as well as showing these various transactions. However, in order to get either of these financial tools, an identification number is essential.
Green card holders, refugees, certain visa holders, and those that have been granted asylum are eligible for a social security number. Other non-citizens who do not fall into any of these categories and do not qualify for a social security number can apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
In addition to having the funds necessary to pay common expenses and taxes, it is also a good idea to have an emergency fund. Life happens and can be unpredictable no matter what your legal status in the United States may be. Having an emergency fund available can be incredibly helpful should a disaster or another unexpected expensive situation arise.
Speak with an Atlanta Immigration Attorney Today
Anything you can do to strengthen your case for legal status in the United States will be to your benefit. This includes showing that you have a record of strong and reliable finances and a history of tax payments.
For assistance with your immigration case in Georgia, the Atlanta family immigration lawyers at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. can meet with you during a consultation. To schedule yours, please call 404-523-3611.