Good News For Ukrainian And Afghan Residents!

For Ukrainians and Afghans fleeing horrific conflict in their home countries, it may seem like a stretch to say anything is “good” news. However, many may take a great deal of relief in knowing that the United States has now extended Temporary Protective Status (TPS) to both Ukrainians and Afghans currently in the United States. So what does TPS mean and what protections and benefits does it provide? We’ll get into that more below.
What is Temporary Protective Status?
TPS is a status awarded on a country-by-country basis. This is much different from refugee and asylum statuses, which are determined on the basis of each applicant. You are unable to apply for TPS unless your home country is designated for TPS. The government determines which countries qualify for TPS. In order to be added to the list of TPS-eligible countries, nationals of that country must face persecution or life-threatening danger if they were to return there. TPS can be granted due to natural disasters, political unrest, or war. Individuals who receive TPS are able to stay in the United States for a minimum of 18 months without threat of deportation. TPS also gives individuals the ability to live and work in the United States. The ability to work without strict conditions is a huge benefit that other visas, such as student visas, do not provide. This has many students from Afghanistan and Ukraine who are currently in the United States relieved that they can now qualify for TPS and have an enhanced ability to work and send money home to their families. While TPS does not provide a route to citizenship, there are ways that someone who has TPS may receive a green card and eventually become a citizen, such as through marriage or specific employment. Additionally, a country’s TPS designation can be renewed as many times as necessary until the government has determined that the danger to citizens returning has dissipated. Some TPS countries have had their status renewed over and over for nearly two decades, so while it is meant to be a temporary fix, sometimes the danger is not temporary. If you have questions about whether you qualify for temporary protective status, or how to make your status in this country more permanent, it is a good idea to talk to an immigration attorney sooner rather than later. Naturalization as a United States citizen can be a long process, and it’s important to have a plan as well as qualified legal support.
Contact Shirazi Immigration Law
If you believe you qualify for TPS status, the experienced Atlanta Temporary Protected Status attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law are ready to help. We can provide guidance and assistance with all immigration-related legal matters. Contact Shirazi Immigration Law to schedule your consultation today.